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At this stage of game development:

  • You know the main theme on which the storyline is based.
  • You know the role of players and what their mission is.
  • You have defined the consequences of success and failure for players.
  • You have become familiar with the environment in which the game takes place and its characters.
  • You can feel the atmosphere of the game environment.
  • You are aware of emotions you wish to evoke in players.
  • You know what should take place in the main plot and sub-plots, what the key scenes are for the storyline.

Now you need to write all that information down. You can do it on a big sheet of paper and post-it slips. If you prefer doing it on your computer, you can use a free mind map editor

Write down your ideas, starting from the general ones and ending with the most specific ones: first, it will be the main plot and its most significant turning points and their endings. Highlight the most important decisions and their consequences. Connect them with lines.

Next, work on the particular scenes. Which characters will take part in them? What actions will be undertaken? What will be the consequences of these actions? Write everything down on separate slips of paper or in clouds, if you use the mind mapping method.

Each slip should have a title and a text which will be displayed to players, e.g. Start (the title). On that day we decided to start our journey. We took out a map and I hit Gdańsk with my finger (text).

Starting with the first slip, draw the lines to the next slips with further stages of the plot. Repeat this process until you connect the beginning and the end of the main plot and the sub-plots.

After this stage the prototype of your Gamebook will be ready but this is not the end of your work.

Now it is time for testing. Share the prototype with the largest number of people. Let them go through your story independently. Do not help them with any additional tips or instructions. At the end, when your GameBook goes to players, you will not be around to explain any possible doubts. Listen carefully to all the comments. If your game testers have had any problems other players will probably have the same problems too.

After the game tests are finished, implement any necessary modifications. Be flexible. If some fragments should be removed, do not hesitate to cut them out. Players impressions are most important here.

After your modifications have been implemented, share your GameBook prototype once again with game testers. If it is necessary, make changes again. Check your project in terms of any possible flaws and errors, for example, stylistic errors or misspelling.

Now you need to enter the content of your GameBook to the Twine tool.

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