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The Zręb Tower

  • It was built in 1487.
  • The Zręb Tower (Baszta pod Zrębem) was a part of the medieval fortifications of Gdańsk.
  • After the bastion fortifications were constructed, the tower lost its defensive significance and it was used as a military storage facility.
  • It was 22 meters high and it had 6 storeys.
  • The tower has a very specific shape: it is square inside and round outside.
  • In 1975 its north-western corner collapsed.
  • In 1982 the northern part of the tower also collapsed.
  • At present, the ruins of the tower are fenced and secured.

Contemporary photographs

The ruins of the Zręb Tower.

Gdańsk. The Zręb Tower. Contemporary photographs. The photograph presents the ruins of a brick tower. The northern part of the tower has collapsed, so only some fragments of two other walls have remained. The ruins have been secured against further deterioration.

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