- The harbour is situated on the Old Motława, two-minute walk from Embankment Square.
- The building was constructed in 1920s and it avoided destruction during the war.
- In 1947 Maria Czarnowska and her husband established the Hurricane Club.
- In 1957 the PTTK Water Club in Gdańsk was established.
- In 1992 the Żabi Kruk Association was established.
- The harbour was named after Paweł Chudacz who used to be an experienced canoeist and club keeper after the war. He was also a strong drive for activities undertaken by the club members.
- At present, the harbour accommodates the Żabi Kruk Water Club Physical Culture Association and a canoe rental company.
Memories and stories told by the inhabitants
- Every year a Children’s Day feast used to be organised, including various contests, such as sack races or slaloms with eggs held on spoons which contestants used to keep in their mouths.
- People used to go swimming and fishing there.
- In winter the harbour was safe for ice-skaters because the water around the harbour was stagnant – it did not flow as in the nearby moat.
Contemporary photographs
⯆ The plate above the harbour gate.

⯆ The pre-war harbour building.

⯆ The harbour and the canal of the Old Motława.