- The barracks (Koszary Wiebego) were constructed in the 1850s.
- The barracks owe their name to the Wiebe Bastion located nearby. Adam Wiebe was a Dutch engineer of hydro-technical facilities and fortifications.
- The building accommodated military administration offices of Prussian infantry and grenadiers.
- After the war, the building was also used as barracks.
- In 1957 the barracks were passed to civilian administration. The building was transformed into a manufacturing plant, Unimor, where radio and television equipment was produced.
- At present, the building houses the Marshal Office of the Pomorskie Province.
Memories and stories told by the inhabitants
Some memorabilia related to the Wiebe Barracks have survived to our times, including some group photographs of soldiers, Albert Freihöfer’s notebook and his militärpass (a military service book) – he was a soldier stationed at the barracks. There is also a letter written by another soldier to his beloved Elisabeth, a photograph featuring a veteran with a caption in German: Opa von der Danziger Kaserne (Grandpa from the barracks of Danzig). We can also see him in a group photograph presenting the interior of the Wieben Kaserne.
Contemporary photographs
⯆ The building of the former Wiebe Barracks.

⯆ The Wiebe Barracks used to be referred to as the yellow barracks.

Archive photographs
⯆ A postcard featuring the Wiebe Barracks.